The first monument to the victims of Jewish persecution is opened near Kyiv, Ukraine

The monument was erected on the territory of the former Jewish cemetery in Tetiev. During the persecution in March 1920, about 4 thousand Jews died there.

The creation of a memorial was proposed by Deputy Mayor of Tetiev Elena Kotseruba. The project was implemented with the support of the mayor of the city, Roman Maystruk. The memorial is located in the former Jewish cemetery.

EJP Chairman Vadim Rabinovich commented on the opening of the monument:

“This remarkably outspoken monument is serving as a Jewish legacy. But it is also an important part of the collective heritage of people, a showcase of its highest summits and its lowest depths.
One cannot escape the fact that so many communities, where Jews lived and thrived for centuries, no longer exist because of countless waves of persecution and genocide. Such monuments not only honor the Jewish who passed away during the persecution but also serve as a reminder for all of us, the reminder of fundamental values in our lives. It is our  duty to remember that such persecutions were one of many systematic attempts to eliminate the Jewish people. As we have seen again and again, anti-Semitism tends to come back –  and such monument need not only remind us of the people who passed away but also make us stay alerted and not allow this to happen again.”

In total, about 200 thousand people died in the Jewish persecution during the Civil War. In Tetiev, over 80% of the population were Jews. The campaign against Jews in March 1920 destroyed three quarters of the community , 4 thousand people.