European Jewish Parliament Secretary General Tomer Orni sends all EJP members warmest Happy Passover Wishes.

Members of the European Jewish Parliament,

My Dear Friends,

Greetings from lockdown London,

Firstly, I hope you and all your family members, loved ones and community members are well, healthy and safe.

The Coronavirus has inflicted upon us an unprecedented challenge. This challenge is multifold and its magnitude and scale are yet to be fully understood. We also know nothing substantial about the real cause for this pandemic.

This crisis puts to the test humanity and civil society at large, all over the globe. The financial, political, social and other ramifications of this crisis remain unclear.

Although we are scattered across many countries; confined to various lockdown restrictions without being able to physically travel and unite;

I would like to reach out and greet each and every MEJP with warmest Happy Passover Wishes.

I miss you and hope to see you all soon, healthy and well!

MEJP  Tomer Orni
Secretary General